Georgia O'Keeffe

Georgia O'Keeffe

Georgia O'Keeffe  (November 15, 1887–March 6, 1986) was written about as America’s first great female artist. 
O'keeffe's letter to her friend Anita Pollitzer, October 1915 ...

"You mustn’t get so excited… You wear out the most precious things you have by letting your emotions and feelings run riot at such a rate… Don't you think we need to conserve our energies — emotions and feelings for what we are going to make the big things in our lives instead of letting so much run away on the little things everyday

Self-control is a wonderful thing — I think we must even keep ourselves from feeling to much — often — if we are going to keep sane and see with a clear unprejudiced vision —

I do not want to preach to you — I like you like you are — but I would like to think you had a string on yourself and that you were not wearing yourself all out feeling and living now — save a little so you can live always —"

and of O'Keeffe's lifelong priorities....
"I do not like the idea of happyness — it is too momentary — I would say that I was always busy and interested in something — interest has more meaning to me than the idea of happyness."


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