FRIDA KAHLO her story is told in paintings



From the diary of Frida Kahlo: an intimate self-portrait... she writes out the symbolic association of a colour with the respective pencil onto the notebook page.


"I’ll try out the pencils
sharpened to the point of infinity
which always sees ahead:

Green — good warm light

Magenta — Aztec. old TLAPALI
   blood of prickly pear, the
   brightest and oldest

[Brown —] color of mole, of leaves becoming

[Yellow —] madness sickness fear
   part of the sun and of happiness

[Blue —] electricity and purity love

[Black —] nothing is black — really nothing

[Olive —] leaves, sadness, science, the whole
   of Germany is this color

[Yellow —] more madness and mystery
   all the ghosts wear
   clothes of this color, or at
   least their underclothes

[Dark blue —] color of bad advertisements
and of good business

[Blue —]distance. Tenderness
   can also be this blue


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